Featured Photographer review with Gabi Ben Avraham, Tel Aviv, Israel
Dear friends and readers!
Our next featured photo review takes us to Israel, but for being more precisely to Cuba actually, where Gabi Ben Avraham indulge his passion for street photography. We're enchanted by his documentary street photographs, full of vibrant colors and great contrasts, they providing valuable insight in Cuba‘s everyday life. Enjoy reading! Stefan Cimer editor ![]()
Gabi Ben Avraham, Street Photographer based in Tel Aviv.
Photography is a passion form me. It‘s my way to look at the world around me. Street photography in particular, is my favorite genre. The street is not a studio. Sometimes I'm just standing and waiting for things to converge. Through the lens of my camera I‘m constantly looking around me, searching for the decisive moment that won‘t return, to capture.
I am inspired by what I see, hear or even smell on the street, I absorb the images and let them leave
I have just returned from Cuba and working on my second Cuba series currently
Those who visit Cuba experience a strong feeling of travelling in time, of people living in a bubble disconnected from the Western world as we know it.
Cuba: far from abundance and comfort, distant from the mighty communication industry and the consuming culture, they live the human side of life as opposed to the industrial and mechanical side.
We Street 2015 - A Public Street Photography Book Project For You!
By Steven Gonzalez, Willem Jonkers, Arek Rataj, Sandra Jonkers
- A maximum of three Photographs will be preselected
- Curated pre-selection of submissions by 4 curators - 100 shots will be selected, max. 1 per photographer - A HQ-book will be made publicly available for order - This is a NON-profit initiative! For more details please visit the Facebook group: We Street 2015 or Willem JONKERS blog: We Street 2015 - A Public Street Photography Book Project For You!
I believe one must find the place where he feels the most comfortable. For me it is the street…
I am excited to wander through the streets towards my new adventure. It changes constantly: situations, people, and light
Street photography is very dynamic and therefore interesting. I wait for things to happen and they always do…
I try to achieve photographs which are a combination of the ‘decisive’ moment with mixed-context and a feeling of surrealistic disorientation
Cuba: communication is face to face, people are outside, in the street most of the time
iStreet Photography Exhibition, organized by Des BYRNE and Peter O DOHERTY
Dublin, from 14th to 27th August 2015
photo by Seamus TRAVERS
Cuba: there are very poor resources, everything crumbles
I try to make the spectator uncertain of the familiar and create a new vision of reality…
There is always a story to catch. The street is not a studio
Cuba: this is their world and they live it to the limit
Forgotten, transparent people in urban surroundings are being granted their moment of grace
On street things change constantly: situation, people, and light. It is very dynamic and therefore interesting
Cuba: nonetheless, they seems strong and maintain their ‘joie de vivre’
You have a photo / art exhibition or a project to get started? EYE-Photo Magazine can be your partner for advertising! We're publishing featured interviews, photo reviews and special features with talented and enthusiastic photographer on a regular base. Your advertisement would be in our magazine (PDF) and on our website. We can link to your project, website, or other multimedia content. The best thing is: it's all FREE for you! INTERESTED? Contact us: [email protected]
Please visit Gabi Ben Avraham‘s websites:
http://www.gabibest.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Gabibabest https://www.facebook.com/streetworld His Cuba series: http://www.gabibest.com/cuba_2012_bw.html You can read and download the magazine online for FREE:
Gerri McLaughlin
8/15/2015 19:45:05
Hi Gabi,
Omri Lewin
8/15/2015 21:40:39
Super Gabi!
8/29/2016 23:18:04
A fantastically talented photographer honouring us in our 3rd issue of 'featured photographer review' with his outstanding work. Please enjoy his fantastic work!
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